> The Apparitions at Medjugorje > The Visionaries
The Visionaries
  • The names of the six Medjugorje visionaries are as follows: Mirjana Dragičević-Soldo, Ivanka Ivanković-Elez, Jakov Colo, Vicka Ivanković-Mijatović, Ivan Dragičević, and Marija Pavlović-Lunetti. Among them, only Vicka, Ivan, and Marija are currently witnessing daily apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Mirjana, Ivanka, and Jakov no longer experience daily apparitions because the Virgin Mary has revealed all ten secrets to them. The remaining three visionaries, Vicka, Ivan, and Marija, have each received nine secrets so far. Once the Virgin Mary reveals the final, tenth secret to all of them, the apparitions in Medjugorje will come to an end. The visionaries do not discuss the ten secrets with each other. It is believed that these secrets pertain to difficulties that humanity and the Church will face if there is no repentance. It is also known that one of the secrets includes an everlasting sign that will be placed on Apparition Hill. Although daily apparitions have ceased for some, Mirjana continues to witness an apparition every year on March 18, Ivanka on June 25, which is the anniversary of the Medjugorje apparitions, and Jakov on December 25, Christmas Day.

  • Mirjana Dragičević-Soldo

    Born in 1965, Mirjana saw the Virgin Mary daily until December 25, 1982. However, on that day, which marked the last time she saw the Virgin Mary daily, she was entrusted with the tenth and final secret. The Virgin Mary told her that from then on, she would appear to her only once a year on March 18, Mirjana’s birthday, for the rest of her life. However, from August 2, 1987, until March 2, 2020, Mirjana also experienced apparitions on the second day of each month. Now, as originally promised, she sees the Virgin Mary once a year on March 18. Mirjana has been given the mission to reveal the ten secrets to the world. Ten days before each secret is to be fulfilled, she will share it with Father Petar Ljubičić, a Franciscan priest she has chosen. Father Petar will then fast and pray for a week before announcing the secret to the world three days before it is to occur. Mirjana has also been given the task of praying for those who do not believe. In 1989, she married Marko Soldo, a childhood friend and the nephew of Father Slavko Barbarić. The couple has two daughters and lives in Medjugorje. (She was 16 years old at the time of the first apparition.)

  • Vicka Ivanković-Mijatović

    Born in 1964, Vicka is the oldest of the visionaries and has the most contact with pilgrims. Vicka is known for her vibrant and extroverted personality. She constantly shares the messages of the Virgin Mary with the many pilgrims who visit her home and prays for them. She is always joyful, with a smile that never leaves her face—a joy that comes from living with God, inspiring many to convert. The Virgin Mary has shared the story of her life with Vicka, and Vicka has recorded it in notebooks. It is said that she will publish these notebooks when the time comes, as instructed by the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary also gave Vicka a special mission to pray for the sick. In 2002, Vicka married Mario Mijatović, and they live in Medjugorje with their son and daughter. (She was 17 years old at the time of the first apparition.)

  • Marija Pavlović-Lunetti

    Born in 1965, Marija continues to see the Virgin Mary daily. Since 1984, she has received messages from the Virgin Mary intended to help the parish of Medjugorje and its parishioners become a light to the world. Additionally, since January 1987, she has been receiving messages from the Virgin Mary on the 25th of each month, meant for the entire world. In her mid-20s, Marija received the grace from the Virgin Mary to become fluent in Italian. She is married to an Italian man, with whom she has four sons, and they split their time between Milan, Italy, and Medjugorje. The Virgin Mary gave her a special mission to pray for priests, religious persons, and the souls in purgatory. (She was 16 years old at the time of the first apparition.)

  • Ivan Dragičević

    Born in 1965, Ivan also continues to see the Virgin Mary daily. As a child, he was not particularly religious and would often wait impatiently for Sunday Mass to end. However, after experiencing daily apparitions of the Virgin Mary, he underwent a profound transformation. He entered a Franciscan seminary with the desire to become a priest, but that did not come to fruition. Later, he married Laureen Murphy, an American pilgrim who had visited Medjugorje. They have two sons and a daughter and divide their time between Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and Medjugorje, where Ivan shares the messages of the Virgin Mary. From May to September, he stays with his family in Medjugorje, where he meets with pilgrims and leads prayer meetings. During this time, Ivan often experiences public apparitions late on Friday evenings on Apparition Hill, where pilgrims are invited to participate. The Virgin Mary gave Ivan a special mission to pray for priests and young people. (He was 16 years old at the time of the first apparition.)

  • Ivanka Ivanković-Elez

    Born in 1966, Ivanka saw the Virgin Mary daily until May 7, 1985. On the day that marked her last daily apparition, the Virgin Mary entrusted her with the tenth secret and told her that from then on, she would appear to her only once a year, on June 25, the anniversary of the apparitions. Ivanka was the first of the visionaries to marry, in 1986, and she has two sons and a daughter. She received a special mission from the Virgin Mary to pray for families. (She was 15 years old at the time of the first apparition.)

  • Jakov Colo

    Born in 1970, Jakov is the youngest of the visionaries. He saw the Virgin Mary daily until September 12, 1998. On the day that marked his last daily apparition, which took place in Miami, Florida, USA the Virgin Mary entrusted him with the tenth secret and told him that from then on, she would appear to him only once a year, on December 25, Christmas Day. In 1993, he married an Italian woman, and they have two sons and a daughter. The Virgin Mary gave Jakov a special mission, similar to Vicka’s, to pray for the sick. (He was 10 years old at the time of the first apparition.)

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