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Pilgrimage Details
  • What is Medjugorje?

    Location : Medjugorje is a small village in the southern part of Bosnia-Herzegovina, one of the six countries that gained independence from the former Yugoslavia. The name "Medjugorje" means "area between mountains." To the north, there are mountainous regions, while the southern part is more coastal. The mountains in the north block the flow of air from the Mediterranean, creating favorable agricultural conditions in Herzegovina. This area is bordered by Montenegro, Bosnia, southern Croatia, and the Adriatic Sea.

    Climate : The climate is Mediterranean, with rainy and mild winters and temperate summers. There is significant rainfall in the spring and fall, especially in November and December. Winds from the Adriatic Sea increase humidity, bringing heavy rains, particularly in the fall. After the rain, strong winds often follow for several days.

  • Medjugorje Parish : Medjugorje Parish is located 25 km southwest of Mostar in the Herzegovina region. It is home to about 4,000 residents, most of whom are Catholics. The parish is under the care of priests from the Franciscan Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Herzegovina. Croatian people, who accepted Christianity before the 13th century, have lived in this area. The village of Medjugorje was first mentioned in historical records in 1599. St. James Parish in Medjugorje was established in 1892.

    Prayer Sites in Medjugorje : There are three key sites in Medjugorje that pilgrims often visit: Apparition Hill, Cross Mountain, and St. James Church.

  • 1Apparition Hill (Podbrdo)

    This area refers to the Podbrdo region above the village of Bijakovići, where the visionaries first saw the Blessed Mother. The apparitions began in late June 1981, and since then, pilgrims from around the world have gathered here to pray the Rosary. The place where the first apparition occurred is constantly filled with pilgrims. Until 1989, this rocky area only had simple crosses left by pilgrims. However, now there are bronze reliefs representing the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary along the uphill path. These sculptures are the work of the famous Italian artist Carmelo Puzzolo.

    Along the path to the apparition site, there is a large wooden cross marking the spot where, on the third day of the apparitions, the Blessed Mother gave her first call to peace through Marija Pavlovic. On the 20th anniversary of the apparitions, a statue of the Queen of Peace, identical to the one in front of the parish, was placed at the apparition site. This statue was donated by a Korean believer and sculpted by Dino Felici. Below Apparition Hill is the Blue Cross, erected in 1985. During the early days of the apparitions, when the Communist regime persecuted the visionaries, they secretly gathered here to witness the apparitions. Since July 4, 1982, Ivan, one of the visionaries, has held regular prayer meetings at this site. Pilgrims come to Apparition Hill for personal prayer and to meet the Blessed Mother through the Rosary.

  • 2Cross Mountain (Križevac)

    This mountain is located above Medjugorje. Križevac, formerly known as Sipovac, stands at 520 meters above sea level. In 1934, the parishioners erected an 8.56-meter-tall concrete cross on March 15 to commemorate the 1900th anniversary of Christ's Passion and to give thanks for the cessation of destructive storms and hail that had long plagued their crops. The name of the mountain was changed to Križevac (Križ meaning "cross" in Croatian) after the cross was erected.

    The cross bears an inscription dedicating it to Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of humanity, in recognition of humanity's faith, love, and hope. A relic of the True Cross, sent from Rome, is embedded in the cross on Križevac. The steep, rocky path to the summit, where the cross stands, is marked by the Stations of the Cross. Initially, wooden crosses marked the 14 stations, but since 1988, bronze reliefs depicting the Stations of the Cross have been placed beside each cross. These reliefs were also created by Carmelo Puzzolo, an Italian sculptor.

    Cross Mountain has become a "Calvary" site where pilgrims remember Christ's Passion. In a message given on August 30, 1984, through the visionary Marija, the Blessed Mother said, "Dear children! The cross was also in God's plan when you built it." For pilgrims, Cross Mountain is a call to meet Christ in His Passion and discover His love.

    On November 24, 2001, the first anniversary of the death of Father Slavko Barbaric (a Franciscan priest who spent over 20 years guiding pilgrims and spreading the message of the Medjugorje apparitions), a bronze relief bust was erected at the spot where he entrusted his soul to God on Cross Mountain. After completing the Way of the Cross at the summit, he passed away from a heart attack. This relief, placed between the 13th and 14th stations, serves as a symbol commemorating a person who thought, acted, and spoke according to the Gospel and the messages of the Queen of Peace, the Mother of the Incarnate Word.

  • 3St. James Church

    The parish building and its surrounding area are where most of the holy Masses and sacramental life take place. The original parish building, constructed in the late 19th century, was destroyed by an earthquake, and the new church was completed in 1969. It was dedicated to St. James the Apostle, the patron saint of pilgrims. In 1991, an outdoor altar was built to accommodate large gatherings and Masses during good weather. At the end of 2000, the wooden confessionals next to the church were replaced with 25 concrete confessionals, and 25 additional confessionals were built on the opposite side of the church. The church grounds also include an "Adoration Chapel" and rooms for small meetings. In 1998, a large hall for pilgrim gatherings and a giant tent for various purposes were constructed behind the church. The number of people visiting these sacred buildings continues to grow.

  • Contents of the Medjugorje Pilgrimage

    Daily Masses: Medjugorje pilgrims can celebrate Mass in their native languages at locations approved by the parish office. Pilgrims also visit Apparition Hill, Cross Mountain, the Cenacolo Community (a community where young people overcome drug or alcohol addiction through prayer, love, and work without medical help), and Tihaljina Church (which houses a beautiful statue of the Blessed Mother, often associated with Medjugorje, and was the parish where Father Jozo, who served a prison sentence, ministered).

    Evening Prayer Program: The centerpiece of each day's pilgrimage is the evening prayer program at St. James Parish in Medjugorje. Through her messages, the Blessed Mother has encouraged dedicating at least three hours daily to prayer, including Mass, the Rosary, Holy Hour, and Veneration of the Cross. St. James Parish has immediately implemented this recommendation, and both parishioners and pilgrims are invited to join in these daily prayers.

    The Blessed Mother has asked us to make the Mass the center of our lives as Christians and as members of the Church community and to attend Mass regularly, preferably daily. She desires that the Mass becomes a "God experience" for us (May 16, 1985). "I wish to call you to make the Holy Mass the center of your life" (April 3, 1986). "Let the Holy Mass be the very center of your life" (April 25, 1988).

    The Blessed Mother also invites us to adore the Lord present in the Holy Eucharist: "Unceasingly adore the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I am always present when the faithful are adoring. Special graces are then being received." (March 15, 1984). "Dear Children! Today I invite you to fall in love with the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Adore Him, little children, in your Parishes and in this way you will be united with the entire world." (September 25, 1995).

    The Blessed Mother has also encouraged her children to overcome all evil with her help through the Rosary. "I would like the people to pray along with me these days. And to pray as much as possible! And to fast strictly on Wednesdays and Fridays, and every day to pray at least one Rosary: the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries.” (August 14, 1984). "Every evening pray the rosary.” (October 8, 1994). "I invite you to call on everyone to pray the Rosary. With the rosary you shall overcome all the adversities which Satan is trying to inflict on the Catholic Church. All you priests, pray the Rosary! Dedicate your time to the Rosary!" (June 25, 1985). “Dear children! Today, like never before, I invite you to prayer. Let your prayer be a prayer for peace. Satan is strong and desires to destroy not only human life, but also nature and the planet on which you live. Therefore, dear children, pray that through prayer you can protect yourselves with God's blessing of peace… If you so wish, grasp for the rosary. Even the rosary alone can work miracles in the world and in your lives.” (January 25, 1991).

    The Blessed Mother also recommends praying in front of the Cross (August 30, 1984): "Pray especially before the cross from which great graces are coming." (September 12, 1985); "Take them and live! Reflect on Jesus' Passion and in your life be united with Jesus!" (February 20, 1986).

    From September 1st to the end of May, the evening prayer program at St. James Parish in Medjugorje begins at 5:00 PM, and from June 1st to the end of August, it begins at 6:00 PM. The program starts with pilgrims and parishioners gathering to pray the Rosary together. While praying the Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries, a beautiful and short hymn that touches the soul is sung at the end of each decade. After the 10 decades of the Rosary are completed, the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Hymn to the Holy Spirit are recited, followed by the international Mass in Croatian. The content of the Mass, interpreted into various languages, can be heard through a small FM radio.

    After the Mass, as requested by the Blessed Mother, the Apostles' Creed is recited once, followed by seven Our Fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory Be's for world peace. Then, prayers for the blessing of sacramentals, prayers for physical and spiritual health, and the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary are o^ered. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, after the evening Mass, there is a Holy Hour, and on Fridays, the Veneration of the Cross is held.

    The evening prayer program at St. James Parish is the centerpiece of the daily schedule for pilgrims in Medjugorje. At first glance, nothing extraordinary seems to happen in Medjugorje; it is no di^erent from other pilgrimage sites. However, pilgrims are transformed and experience grace as they gather to pray the Rosary, celebrate Mass, spend time in Eucharistic Adoration, and participate in the Veneration of the Cross. They also experience deep conversion through personal confession and various prayers, and find peace in the presence of the Blessed Mother, who is believed to be with them there. During the evening prayer program, which lasts over three hours daily, people line up outside the church in front of 50 confessionals in various languages to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You can also see people quietly receiving confession with a priest in di^erent corners of the churchyard. Medjugorje is a place where special graces are given through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Therefore, Medjugorje can be called a school of prayer, a place of conversion, and an oasis of peace.

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