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작성일 : 24-11-17 06:39
On the Significance of the Vatican’s Approval of Devotion to Medjugorje
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On the Significance of the Vatican’s Approval of Devotion to Medjugorje

Fr. Stephen Shin, OFM Cap.
Chaplain of Apostles of Queen of Peace

On September 19, 2024, a significant press conference regarding Medjugorje was held at the Vatican Press Office. Present at the event were Msgr. Armando Matteo, Secretary of the Doctrinal Section of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), and Andrea Tornielli, Editorial Director of the Dicastery for Communication. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, presented “Note on the Spiritual Experience of Medjugorje." This Note was signed and made public after receiving approval and a directive for publication from Pope Francis during an audience with the Prefect and Secretary on August 28, 2024.
The Note did not make a specific declaration regarding the supernatural nature of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje. However, it affirms the goodness of the spiritual fruits borne from the messages and apparitions of the Virgin Mary, and by approving the devotion to Medjugorje, it allows everyone within the Church to freely practice this devotion. This is a significant decision that permits the Medjugorje apparitions of the Virgin Mary to be embraced by all believers worldwide without hindrance, marking an official recognition of the Medjugorje devotion within the Church.

The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje and the Church's Response

Next, we will briefly review the Church’s stance on the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje, summarize the key points of the recently released document, and discuss the future direction of the Medjugorje apparitions.
On June 24, 1981, the first apparition of the Virgin Mary occurred in Medjugorje, and from the following day, apparitions were regularly experienced by six teenage children. At the time, Medjugorje was a small rural village under the rule of the communist regime in the former Yugoslav Federation. The bishop of the Mostar Diocese, to which St. James Church in Medjugorje belonged, was Bishop Pavao Žanić. As the local bishop in charge of the apparition site, Bishop Žanić had the authority to investigate and approve the apparitions. He visited Medjugorje, meeting directly with the six young witnesses of the apparitions. Initially, Bishop Žanić declared his belief in the authenticity of the apparitions, publicly endorsing them in his homilies and newspaper articles.
However, as crowds flocked to Medjugorje due to the apparitions, the communist regime perceived it as a threat and began to exert pressure and threats against Bishop Žanić. Eventually, he succumbed to this pressure and ceased to speak about the Medjugorje apparitions, gradually adopting a more skeptical stance.
Following the recommendation of the Yugoslav Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Žanić established a special commission in January 1982 to investigate the Medjugorje apparitions. However, many members of this commission had already publicly opposed the apparitions. In October 1984, the commission concluded that the Medjugorje apparitions were false, and Bishop Žanić submitted these findings to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, then Prefect of the Congregation (later Pope Benedict XVI), was dissatisfied with the investigation’s conclusions and transferred the authority to investigate the apparitions to the Yugoslav Bishops’ Conference.
On April 10, 1991, after four years of investigation, the Yugoslav Bishops’ Conference released its final report in Zadar, Croatia, which became known as the “Zadar Declaration.” The statement read as follows:
“Our bishops have closely monitored the events in Medjugorje from the beginning through the Mostar diocesan bishop, the diocesan special commission on Medjugorje, and the Yugoslav Bishops’ Conference’s special commission on Medjugorje. Based on what has been investigated so far, it cannot be definitively declared that Medjugorje is connected to supernatural apparitions or revelations. However, the fact that many people from around the world gather in Medjugorje for faith-related reasons warrants the pastoral attention of all bishops, including the diocesan bishop. It is evident that healthy devotional practices towards the Blessed Virgin Mary are being carried out in accordance with Church teachings. To support this, the bishops intend to publish suitable liturgical-pastoral guidelines. Moreover, the special commission will continue to comprehensively investigate all events occurring in Medjugorje.”
Through this declaration, the Yugoslav bishops stated that they could not definitively affirm the supernatural nature of the Medjugorje apparitions and emphasized the need for continued investigation. At the same time, they acknowledged that the apparitions were yielding spiritually positive fruits and were consistent with Church teachings.
Consequently, the bishops highlighted the need for the Mostar diocesan bishop and all Yugoslav bishops to provide liturgical and pastoral support to pilgrims visiting Medjugorje, regardless of their reasons for coming. This acknowledgment of the positive spiritual impact of the Medjugorje apparitions reflected the Church’s commitment to guide and support pilgrims in their faith journey with proper pastoral care.
On June 26, 1991, civil war broke out within the Yugoslav Federation, lasting four years and leading to the dissolution of Yugoslavia into six independent nations. As a result, the Yugoslav Bishops’ Conference was also disbanded, and the authority to investigate the Medjugorje apparitions passed to the Bishops’ Conference of the newly formed country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where Medjugorje is located.
However, the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not undertake further investigations or make any official moves regarding the Medjugorje apparitions. Consequently, the Church’s position on Medjugorje remained unresolved, with no official evaluations or declarations from the Church for a prolonged period.

In 1998, in response to questions from various bishops about pilgrimages to Medjugorje, the Vatican stated that it respected the Zadar Declaration by the former Yugoslav Bishops' Conference and that private pilgrimages accompanied by pastors were permitted. Along with this, the Vatican established a new commission for further investigation into the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje and officially confirmed that Catholic faithful could make pilgrimages to Medjugorje. This decision marked a significant step towards a more open and accepting approach by the Church regarding the Medjugorje apparitions.
In March 2010, Pope Benedict XVI ordered the establishment of an international investigative commission at the Vatican level to conduct a more thorough investigation into the Medjugorje apparitions. The commission, led by Cardinal Camillo Ruini and composed of about 20 members, conducted an extensive investigation into the Medjugorje apparitions over three years. After completing its work, the commission submitted its report to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which reviewed it and ultimately entrusted the final judgment to Pope Francis. 
In 2017, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Henryk Hoser as the apostolic visitor to Medjugorje. His mission was not to investigate the authenticity of the apparitions but to closely examine the pastoral situation and the needs of pilgrims in Medjugorje and to propose better pastoral guidelines to the Pope. Archbishop Hoser visited Medjugorje, personally experiencing the local conditions, and evaluated that the pastoral and liturgical activities centered around St. James Parish were aligned with Church doctrine and teachings, carried out systematically and effectively. He also confirmed that numerous spiritual fruits were being borne from the Medjugorje apparitions and reported this directly to Pope Francis.
On May 31, 2018, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Hoser as the Apostolic Visitor with a special mission to Medjugorje. Hoser remained in Medjugorje, acting as the chief overseer on behalf of the Pope and the Vatican to promote the pastoral and spiritual well-being of the Medjugorje parish and its pilgrims. He continued in this role until his death on August 13, 2021.
On May 12, 2019, Pope Francis announced that dioceses and parishes could officially organize pilgrimages to Medjugorje. Unlike the previous approach, where laypeople primarily organized pilgrimages with priests accompanying to provide spiritual assistance, this new directive allowed bishops and priests to organize and lead pilgrimage groups themselves. This decision represented a significant shift, allowing pilgrimages to Medjugorje to be conducted more systematically with the official participation of dioceses and parishes.

The Significance of the Vatican's Approval of Devotion to Medjugorje

On September 19, 2024, Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, announced “Note on the Spiritual Experience of Medjugorje,” approved by Pope Francis on August 28. This Note does not declare the supernatural nature of the Medjugorje apparitions of the Virgin Mary, but it acknowledges the abundant spiritual fruits observed at the site and officially recognizes the devotion to Medjugorje.
The release of this Note is a significant milestone in the Church’s recognition of the positive and faith-affirming impact of the spiritual experiences in Medjugorje. It opens the way for Catholics worldwide to freely practice devotion to Medjugorje.
The Note can be divided into two main parts: the spiritual fruits of the Medjugorje apparitions and the messages of the Virgin Mary. First, it positively evaluates the spiritual fruits resulting from the Medjugorje apparitions, emphasizing that Medjugorje plays a crucial role in renewing the faith of pilgrims who visit, adhering closely to the Church’s traditions.
Specifically, the Note highlights the following spiritual fruits observed in Medjugorje: “Many conversions are taking place, with frequent returns to the sacramental life, particularly the Eucharist and confession. Vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and marriage are being discovered, and there is a deepening of faith and a strengthening of prayer practices. Reconciliation between spouses and the renewal of marital and family life are also emphasized as significant fruits.”
These spiritual fruits demonstrate the positive and profound changes the Medjugorje apparitions bring to the lives of the faithful, establishing Medjugorje as a significant pilgrimage site that enriches spiritual life. The Church emphasizes that Medjugorje goes beyond being merely a site of apparitions; it is a central place of devotion that bears abundant spiritual results in the lives of believers.
The Note also highlights the core messages of the Virgin Mary from Medjugorje, offering vital spiritual teachings to the faithful. These messages include:
“Queen of Peace”: Emphasizes true peace centered on God and invites believers to find peace through the Virgin Mary.
“Peace Flowing from Love”: Highlights peace based on love and underscores the importance of peace in one’s relationship with God.
“King of Peace”: A title given to Jesus, emphasizing that Christ is the true source of peace.
“Only God”: Promotes a God-centered perspective, stressing that the focus of faith should be on God.
“Christ-Centrism”: Emphasizes that Mary’s intercession and actions are subordinate to Jesus Christ, directing all focus of faith back to Christ.
“Activity of the Holy Spirit”: Encourages seeking the help of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing the role and importance of the Holy Spirit.
“Call to Conversion”: The most crucial message, urging believers to repent and return to God.
“The Heavy Burden of Evil and Sin”: Warns against underestimating the gravity of evil and sin and calls for fighting against the influence of Satan.
“Prayer”: Stresses prayer as the fundamental element of every journey and the center of the life of faith.
“Centrality of the Mass”: Highlights that prayer reaches its climax in the celebration of the Eucharist, emphasizing the Mass as the core of the life of faith.
“Brotherly Communion”: Reveals the communal aspect of Medjugorje’s spirituality, underscoring the importance of solidarity and fellowship among believers.
“Joy and Gratitude”: Another aspect of Medjugorje’s spirituality, urging believers to live their faith with an attitude of joy and gratitude.
“Testimony of the Faithful”: Encourages the faithful to bear witness to faith and love in their lives, emphasizing the mission of testifying to God and love.
“Eternal Life”: Guides believers to live with a longing for heaven, finding the ultimate meaning of existence in eternal life.
These messages show that the Medjugorje apparitions are not merely miraculous events but spiritual guidelines that deepen the relationship with God, strengthen the journey of faith, and lead believers to live out the teachings of the Gospel in their lives.
The Note concludes by granting a “Nihil obstat” (no objections) to the Medjugorje apparitions and their messages, although this is not a declaration recognizing or confirming their supernatural nature. It reminds believers that they are not obliged to believe in the apparitions but allows public devotion to Medjugorje because of the many observed positive spiritual fruits. In essence, while the Church does not officially approve the Medjugorje apparitions, it acknowledges the positive impact on the faith and spiritual life of believers and considers the theological and pastoral grounds sufficient to encourage devotion. 
This decision opens the door for believers to freely make pilgrimages to Medjugorje and participate in devotional activities, with the Church officially supporting the spiritual nourishment the Medjugorje apparitions provide to believers worldwide.


“Note on the Spiritual Experience of Medjugorje,” published on September 19, 2024, by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith with the approval of Pope Francis, did not make a clear declaration on the supernatural nature of the Medjugorje apparitions. However, through this Note, Pope Francis and the Vatican acknowledged the positive spiritual fruits resulting from the Medjugorje apparitions and assessed that the messages of the Virgin Mary align with the teachings of the Gospel. Accordingly, the Vatican officially approved the practice of devotion to Medjugorje throughout the Church.
Although the Note does not officially confirm the supernatural nature or authenticity of the Medjugorje apparitions, it is significant that Pope Francis and the Vatican recognize the spiritual fruits and view the messages as a comprehensive summary of the Gospel. As a result, the grounds for preventing pilgrimages to Medjugorje or criticizing this devotion due to the lack of official recognition of the apparitions have been removed. All Catholic believers, and even non-believers, are now free to visit Medjugorje, read and spread the Virgin Mary's messages, and engage in corresponding devotional activities.
In this Note, the Vatican evaluated the spiritual fruits of the Medjugorje apparitions as abundant and positive, echoing the words of Jesus: “You will know them by their fruits. Do people gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, you will know them by their fruits” (Mt 7:16-20). When considering Jesus’ words alongside the Vatican’s announcement, the Medjugorje apparitions can be likened to a “good tree,” proven by the spiritually rich and positive fruits it bears. These fruits indirectly but powerfully testify to the authenticity of the Medjugorje apparitions.
When the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje come to an end, the ten secrets will be revealed one by one, and the third secret has already been made known to the world. As a result, the third secret can no longer maintain its secretive nature. The content of this secret is that an “perpetual sign” will be placed at the site on Apparition Hill, where the Virgin Mary first appeared. This sign is described as something that can be seen, photographed, and broadcast on video, but it is a special sign that cannot be touched or destroyed by any means.
The reason for establishing this sign can be explained in two ways: first, to provide people with a final opportunity for repentance, and second, to prove the truth of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary. Reflecting deeply on these reasons, we must focus all our attention on diligently responding to and practicing the messages given by the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje. This is the most important thing God asks of us through the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Medjugorje.


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